Root Canal Treatment Near You
When you have a tooth infection, it is often met with severe pain, sensitivity, and a whole lot of problems. Often times the only solution for a deeply embedded infection is root canal treatment. This is not an issue you can easily fix on your own. It most likely means you will have to visit our dental clinic for root canal treatment in Edmonton.
Are you interested in root canal therapy in Edmonton? Contact our dental clinic today to schedule your appointment for root canal treatment near you. Our dentist would be happy to help you.
Do I Really Need a Root Canal?
If your dentist says you do, then yes! While many people experience root canals and dentists are very well trained on how to handle them, it is serious and can lead to even larger issues when not dealt with. If you are considering getting a second opinion, consider some of these common symptoms:
- Bad breathe or taste in mouth
- You feel a throbbing pain while mouth is at rest
- The area has swelled up
- You feel pain when eating nearly any kind of food
- The affected area of your mouth is particularly sensitive to hot or cold temperatures
In simple terms, a root canal is when the center of your tooth becomes infected. The infected area needs to be cleaned out so the infection and pain do not spread or cause any other dental issues.
What Should I Expect?
When you go in for a root canal in Edmonton the dentist will use special tools to go inside your tooth and clean out the affected area. Once clean, space will be filled and sealed. The Edmonton dentist will then cover the tooth with a crown or sealant to help prevent future deterioration or infections from forming.
Throughout your nearby root canal treatment, you should not feel significant pain or discomfort. Our dentist will be able to provide you with numbing and the necessary medication to make sure it is not a painful experience.
Following the procedure, you may expect sensitivity or pain for a few days. It is suggested you take some pain medication and eat food that will be gentle on your teeth. For instance, stay away from very hot, cold, chewy, or tough foods. This can irritate the healing and may cause you more pain.
The unknown of root canal treatment near you sounds scary, but it does not compare to the pain you will feel when an infection is ignored. If you find yourself with many of these symptoms, be sure to contact our root canal dentist in Edmonton as soon as possible.