Porcelain Veneers Near You
Throughout our entire lifespan, our teeth will change in appearance. From losing your baby teeth and getting braces, to stains from coffee and wine, to deterioration. It is natural, but that does not mean you have to live with the unpleasant side effects of a tooth that just does not blend in. One popular way to fix this is with porcelain veneers.
What is the purpose of porcelain veneers?
Porcelain veneers are used the same way crowns or composite resin bondings are used. It is a method of covering the poor appearance of one tooth, so you have a consistently beautiful smile.
Porcelain veneers are popular among individuals who may experience a cracked or chipped tooth, stained tooth, teeth gaps, or unfavourable tooth sizes. Generally, porcelain veneers near you are applied for cosmetic purposes.
How are porcelain veneers applied?
While porcelain veneers are a simple way to improve your smile, it can take multiple appointments to get you that award-winning look that also suits your face. During your first appointment, the Edmonton dentist will shape your tooth or teeth so they are prepared to receive the porcelain veneers. An impression of your teeth will then be taken. This way the porcelain veneers can be specially created for your unique smile.
Once the porcelain veneers are ready, there will be a second appointment. During the second appointment, the area will be cleaned, polished, and prepared to receive the veneers. They are attached to your teeth using an adhesive bonding agent. This is reinforced using a high-intensity light that will allow the adhesive to harden and stay in place.
The porcelain veneers near you will now appear just like every other tooth. You will not even be able to notice a difference as well as have the ability to eat and drink normally. As always, you can and should maintain excellent oral hygiene. If you find your smile is not as brilliant as you would like because of a crack, discoloration, or oddly shaped tooth, contact your dentist in Edmonton, AB. If porcelain veneers are right for you, they will happily guide you through the process, leaving you with a dazzling smile you will never regret.